Sunday 19 October 2014

Scientifically Spiritual

So I recently read "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown and apart from the fact that it was a disappointing piece, one thing did get my brains tingling. There's this good looking female scientist named Kathrine Solomon who specializes in the field of Noetic Sciences.

Not going into the depth of Noetic studies and what it promises to prove, I was happy with knowing what the gist of it is. So, Noetic Sciences, as also elaborated comprehensively by Dan Brown in the novel, is a science that essentially substantiates the mysteries of spirituality or our spiritual beliefs, by means of scientific reasoning. The basis is to explore the 'untapped' potential of the human mind.

We've always heard that we make use of a minuscule part of our brain in our lives. If we were to efficiently use our mind to its optimum potential, every person on the face of this earth will be capable of performing miracles. The only thing that separated us, the common-folk, from geniuses like Albert Einstein, etc, is the fact that they were able to dig into their brains a lot deeper than us, but, even they couldn't realize the true potential of the human mind.

The way I like to look at it is this: The novel talks about Katherine talking in depth about considering human thoughts to be a real thing. A matter. A substance. Consider thoughts to have real mass and that they do occupy space. Positive thoughts having higher mass and thus higher momentum and the negative thoughts having lesser mass and thus, lower momentum. When somebody is in a positive frame of mind, he/she is filled with positive thoughts (which I like to believe is called the "Positive Vibe"). The momentum of his/her thoughts is so substantial that it tends to overcome the other negative energies around. The force that is exerted is such immense that it has the capability of transforming matter around, similar to the bending of a spoon when concentrated really hard upon.

Now, the fundamental law of mass says that mass is neither created nor destroyed, but, can only be transformed from one form to another, which in this context can be conceptualized as transforming negative thoughts or energies into positive energies. That to me explains the concept of "Spreading Smiles". Its the most elemental chain reaction that exists.

Picture this : one positive thought overcoming one negative thought (Higher mass overpowers lesser mass), now making it two positive thoughts, two make it four, four make it eight and so on. The growth of positivity becomes exponential. Now, try and apply this within yourself. One happy thought within you can gradually replicate exponentially, removing all the negativity inside and fill you up with such positive radiance that things around you start transforming in your favor the way you thought they should be.

This ideology, might seem absurd to some, but it gave me justifications as to why the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting poorer. Why good things keep happening to people who are already enjoying their lives and the people who are already dejected, keep slumping in their miseries. Why miracles happen to people who never lose their hopes and maintain their faiths. Why people tell you to "have faith" when you're unhappy. Because faith gives your mind strength to produce positive thoughts and hence, positive energies within you.

I've seen people with care-a-damn attitudes get more that they were capable of. It was probably their positive vibes that turned things towards them. They got what I think I deserved. But I now realize I was so grim that I actually prevented good things from happening to me. Darkness will only end when you make a move towards the light. Not when you sit in the dark waiting for a glimpse of light.

It might not make sense to a lot of people, but, I found my reason to keep my hopes up and that's what matters in the end. Everyone's faith and expectations are relative to their circumstances. But, its only faith in a belief that gives us strength to fill our minds with things good enough to enjoy the life that has been bestowed upon us.

"The darkest hour of the night comes just before dawn"
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho